Tuesday 24 April 2012

Portfolio task 4

Portfolio task 4

As it is known about childhood, it is the most important period in human life, because every small detail in this period will impact on the future. Thus, parents are seeking to instill all that is positive in their children. Some of these positive things are competition and cooperation as the parents see, but the question is, which is the best? In this essay I’m going to discuss the two things and show my view.

Some families encourage their children to compete with other children. They believe that competition will help the child to be a more intelligent and creative person in his life. Also they think that competition will help the child to depend on himself and be able to take his own decision if he is faced with problems.

On the other hand, some families see in cooperation a lot of benefits such as how to live with people and share experiences. Also they believe that cooperation can make the person more useful in society.

All in all, everyone has his view in instilling values in children. As I see, both competition and cooperation are important for children. It depends on what the children are competing on or cooperating in.

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