Wednesday 30 May 2012

Portfoilo task 5

Portfolio task 5

Two figures are shown. The line graph and table show the number of visitors to Australia by overseas residents through the period of 3 decades from 1975 to 2005. In this essay I’m going to describe the major information.

Firstly, the line graph illustrates the popularity of Australia regarding the number of visitors through that period which is increased by more than 20M. In 1975, Australia had only 10M visitors. The next decade had an increase by more than 5M. Through the next 10 years the number has increased by 8M visitors. In 2005, the number of visitors reached over 30M.

Secondly, the table shows the number of visitors to Australia from different countries in 1975 and 2005. It is clear that the Japanese had the most visitors to Australia through both periods. In 1975, the Japanese visitors were 3.2M and after 30 years it increased to 12M visitors. The next country is South Korea where the number of visitors increased from 2.9M to 9.1M in the same period. Then comes the European visitors with an increase from 1.1M to 4.5M in 2005. The British, American and Chinese had lower numbers of visitors with small increases from 1975 to 2005 (the British from 0.9M to 2.9M, Americans from 0.4M to 1.1M and Chinese from 0.3M to 0.8M).

All in all, both figures are related to each other, where both of them show the increase in visitors to Australia.

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