Tuesday 24 April 2012

Portfolio task 3

Portfolio task 3

A healthy life and being disease-free are what people in this world are looking for. Some people see that their lives are at risk with fast-food and cans, they are overweight and they are suffer from health problems such as breathing and some physical weakness, so they believe that the solution is in a balanced diet.

In fact, the balanced diet is not the best solution; it is one of the solutions for being healthy. It does not depend on how much you eat; it depends on how you eat and what kind of food you eat. It is a really useful way to be healthy, but it does not work alone and it does not work with some people.

To be healthy means to be able to help yourself without the need of anything. It means your weight must be healthy, your eyes, your breathing, your muscles, your brain and your bones; all these must work properly and do their job perfectly, then you can be called healthy.

If you are looking for a healthy life, firstly you must have a balanced diet, because it will control your food, so your body will get what it wants. Secondly, you must have daily exercises. It is important for burning the food in your body and will build your body. Thirdly, is the most important which is organizing your time, so you have to sleep early and long enough and also you have to wake up early; if you do not that can harm your health and your body too.  

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