Wednesday 6 June 2012


The need of local electrical engineers
English communications IV

Abdulla Abdulrahman Abdulla Saleh Mubarak Al Katheeri
Mr. Hedley Butterfield
6th of June 2012

The United Arab Emirates is a new and developed country which was founded in 1971 by Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the man who was looking for a decent and valuable life for his people. Actually, he succeeded in achieving some of his goals. Now we have the best lifestyle as the important things are available such as: houses to live in, clothing to wear and food to eat, and more importantly is that we live in peace. These were some of his goals, but some of the other goals were to make the citizens to be able to work in any field and sector and deal with all problems related to these sectors and fields, to develop these sectors and keep pace with global development. One of these sectors is the electrical engineering which requires local electrical engineers, because it suffers from the lack of local engineers.

Electrical engineering:
Electrical engineering is a very important and dangerous sector; simply because it relates to electricity, which is useful for people and very dangerous to deal with. We can define the electrical engineering as the study of engineering science which respect to electricity and its application to real life. It includes many majors such as electronic and mecatronic engineering. However, electrical engineering is all about developing, designing and testing electrical devices and equipment. It is really an ideal place for lovers and creators of technology who are planning to make the future more developed, but that thing that makes people not to choose this sector and major is that they have no idea or background about it, or what are the features and disadvantages of being an electrical engineer.

In fact, there is no job without any problem or danger. The biggest threat of working in this field lies in the way in which we are dealing with the issue. Electrical engineers are fully aware of the seriousness of electricity, because any small mistake can put their lives at risk, so they have to take the matter seriously, and they have to abide by the instructions and the laws that are rigorous. Another problem could be the place of working, which often but not always is far from the city such as big power stations; and that could be a problem for some people.

Most electrical engineers are happy and satisfied about their lives. There are several features that make them happy and satisfied. Firstly, because they get high salaries instead of other bonuses, and free subscriptions at health and social clubs. Secondly, they and their families get insurance for their lives and their health so they can get treatment at any health center. The other feature that could make them happy is they get a house or they get a higher rate of rent. Away from all these features, electrical engineers work in a medium that can motivate them to think and create and improve themselves.

Fields of work in the UAE:
According to the latest statistics, we need thousand of engineers in many sectors, so if we are going to talk about the electrical engineering, we need at least 500 electrical engineers to cover the lack of the local engineers in many sectors in this country. One of the most important places that requires local electrical engineers is Masdar. It is a big and great project that is related to the generation of clean energy from renewable sources of energy. Masdar City is located at a distance of 17 km from the center of Abu Dhabi City, and encourages walking or riding bicycles, and is a platform to review the future of renewable energy and clean technology, research it, develop, test, apply and market it.

The United Arab Emirates is a modern and developed country and has many creative and talented people who can work in any major, and they can compete with the major countries in several areas, including electrical engineering. In my opinion, electrical engineering and the engineers need more attention and support. They have the skills and abilities but they need someone who pushes them. Regarding the huge improving in the country we need more creative and talented local engineers to help this country to be on top.  


Masdar. (n.d) About us. Retrieved from

Pearce, C.B. (2011) What is electrical engineering? Retrieved from 

University of Waterloo (2009). What is electrical engineering? Retrieved from

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Portfolio task 6

Portfolio task 6

When we travel to other countries, we know that we can’t use or deal with our country’s currency so we need to change the currency to that which is used in the country we are going to. Exchange offices won’t give us the equivalent amount of their currency, they won’t change the currency only, they will sell their currency to us by profit, so if we are going to travel to more than one country, we will lose some of our money just in changing the currency, so some people see that if we have a single global currency that could save their money. In this essay I’m going to write about the advantages and disadvantages of a single global currency.

Firstly, we have several advantages of a single global currency. One of these advantages is that the single currency will save the time and efforts and money for businessmen and travelers instead of lose the money in exchange offices. For example, if I’m going to travel to America I need to change the dirham to the dollar ($1 equal to 3.67 DHS and the exchange offices sell the dollar at 3.9 DHS) so imagine the difference of changing that directly and changing that with profits. Another advantage is it could help us from cheating in some unknown countries. For example, if we are in some of these countries and we do not have information about their currency we could be cheated.

Turning to the disadvantages, the big losers are the exchange offices where their jobs depend on the difference between the global currencies. Having a single global currency definitely means no exchange offices; they will disappear.

All in all, a single global currency will be useful mostly for ordinary people when they travel and businessmen who travel many times.

Portfoilo task 5

Portfolio task 5

Two figures are shown. The line graph and table show the number of visitors to Australia by overseas residents through the period of 3 decades from 1975 to 2005. In this essay I’m going to describe the major information.

Firstly, the line graph illustrates the popularity of Australia regarding the number of visitors through that period which is increased by more than 20M. In 1975, Australia had only 10M visitors. The next decade had an increase by more than 5M. Through the next 10 years the number has increased by 8M visitors. In 2005, the number of visitors reached over 30M.

Secondly, the table shows the number of visitors to Australia from different countries in 1975 and 2005. It is clear that the Japanese had the most visitors to Australia through both periods. In 1975, the Japanese visitors were 3.2M and after 30 years it increased to 12M visitors. The next country is South Korea where the number of visitors increased from 2.9M to 9.1M in the same period. Then comes the European visitors with an increase from 1.1M to 4.5M in 2005. The British, American and Chinese had lower numbers of visitors with small increases from 1975 to 2005 (the British from 0.9M to 2.9M, Americans from 0.4M to 1.1M and Chinese from 0.3M to 0.8M).

All in all, both figures are related to each other, where both of them show the increase in visitors to Australia.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Portfolio task 4

Portfolio task 4

As it is known about childhood, it is the most important period in human life, because every small detail in this period will impact on the future. Thus, parents are seeking to instill all that is positive in their children. Some of these positive things are competition and cooperation as the parents see, but the question is, which is the best? In this essay I’m going to discuss the two things and show my view.

Some families encourage their children to compete with other children. They believe that competition will help the child to be a more intelligent and creative person in his life. Also they think that competition will help the child to depend on himself and be able to take his own decision if he is faced with problems.

On the other hand, some families see in cooperation a lot of benefits such as how to live with people and share experiences. Also they believe that cooperation can make the person more useful in society.

All in all, everyone has his view in instilling values in children. As I see, both competition and cooperation are important for children. It depends on what the children are competing on or cooperating in.

Portfolio task 3

Portfolio task 3

A healthy life and being disease-free are what people in this world are looking for. Some people see that their lives are at risk with fast-food and cans, they are overweight and they are suffer from health problems such as breathing and some physical weakness, so they believe that the solution is in a balanced diet.

In fact, the balanced diet is not the best solution; it is one of the solutions for being healthy. It does not depend on how much you eat; it depends on how you eat and what kind of food you eat. It is a really useful way to be healthy, but it does not work alone and it does not work with some people.

To be healthy means to be able to help yourself without the need of anything. It means your weight must be healthy, your eyes, your breathing, your muscles, your brain and your bones; all these must work properly and do their job perfectly, then you can be called healthy.

If you are looking for a healthy life, firstly you must have a balanced diet, because it will control your food, so your body will get what it wants. Secondly, you must have daily exercises. It is important for burning the food in your body and will build your body. Thirdly, is the most important which is organizing your time, so you have to sleep early and long enough and also you have to wake up early; if you do not that can harm your health and your body too.  

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Portfolio task 2

Portfolio task 2

Two figures are shown. The first chart shows the reasons for study according to the age of the students. The second chart shows the employer support by age group such as time off and help with fees. Both charts are regarding the UK students.

The first bar chart illustrates the different passion for study by the ages. Young people study because they’re looking for a career, while old people are doing the same just for interest. For example, 80% of under 26 people study for career, and only 10% of them for interest. People from 26-29 are 70% looking for career, less than 20% for interest. Less than 70% of people in their 30s are looking for a career, but less than 30% looking for interest. People in their 40s have the same percentage for career and interest which is 40%. 70% of people over 49 study for interest, while less than 20% of them are looking for a career.

The employer support also prefers some people, that is clear from the second chart. Under 26 people have the most support with more than 60%. Next come people between 26-29 with 50%. Then over 49 people have a percentage of more than 30%. After that comes 40s people with less than 50%. The lowest receiving support are people in their 30s with just over 30%.

All in all, it’s clear that young students are most supported to continue their education and they will have the opportunity after almost 10 years to get time off and help with fees.

All in all, it’s clear that young students are most supported to continue their education and they will have the opportunity after almost 10 years to get time off and help with fees.

Portfolio task 1

Portfolio task 1

The table shown provides information about a certain restaurant’s sales in the city through the week except Sunday which is a holiday in America. The table includes information about lunch and dinner and how much the restaurant got through the week of October 7th to 13th.

The table illustrates the low income of the restaurant at the weekend for both lunch and dinner ($1950 and $2900 respectively). Through the week days the lowest income of the restaurant for the lunch was on Thursday with only $2375, and for the dinner was on Wednesday with only $3445. The highest income for the dinner was on Friday with $4350, while $2595 was the highest income for the lunch on Wednesday.

All in all, the restaurant had the higher income for the dinner than for the lunch during the week.