Tuesday 13 March 2012

Portfolio task 2

Portfolio task 2

Two figures are shown. The first chart shows the reasons for study according to the age of the students. The second chart shows the employer support by age group such as time off and help with fees. Both charts are regarding the UK students.

The first bar chart illustrates the different passion for study by the ages. Young people study because they’re looking for a career, while old people are doing the same just for interest. For example, 80% of under 26 people study for career, and only 10% of them for interest. People from 26-29 are 70% looking for career, less than 20% for interest. Less than 70% of people in their 30s are looking for a career, but less than 30% looking for interest. People in their 40s have the same percentage for career and interest which is 40%. 70% of people over 49 study for interest, while less than 20% of them are looking for a career.

The employer support also prefers some people, that is clear from the second chart. Under 26 people have the most support with more than 60%. Next come people between 26-29 with 50%. Then over 49 people have a percentage of more than 30%. After that comes 40s people with less than 50%. The lowest receiving support are people in their 30s with just over 30%.

All in all, it’s clear that young students are most supported to continue their education and they will have the opportunity after almost 10 years to get time off and help with fees.

All in all, it’s clear that young students are most supported to continue their education and they will have the opportunity after almost 10 years to get time off and help with fees.

Portfolio task 1

Portfolio task 1

The table shown provides information about a certain restaurant’s sales in the city through the week except Sunday which is a holiday in America. The table includes information about lunch and dinner and how much the restaurant got through the week of October 7th to 13th.

The table illustrates the low income of the restaurant at the weekend for both lunch and dinner ($1950 and $2900 respectively). Through the week days the lowest income of the restaurant for the lunch was on Thursday with only $2375, and for the dinner was on Wednesday with only $3445. The highest income for the dinner was on Friday with $4350, while $2595 was the highest income for the lunch on Wednesday.

All in all, the restaurant had the higher income for the dinner than for the lunch during the week.